Hello readers and welcome to this week's blog post where we get to see Kimber Doll return to service as she visits Top Gun!
Captured by the incredibly talented Psion Satori, Kimber Doll teaches a thing or two about air to air combat, while looking incredible at the same time. Enjoy scrolling through this set, you won't be disappointed!

Below you can find the relevant links that you may find of interest.
Psion Satori (Photographer): https://twitter.com/psion_satori
Kimber herself: https://twitter.com/Kimber_Doll
Kimber Doll Official: https://twitter.com/doll_kimber
Feel free to get in touch with us here, or you can view and purchase our lovely Kimber Doll from here: https://kimberdoll.eu/products/kimber-doll
As always, thank you for reading!
- Kimber Doll Team.